Existing Bridge Assessment

Our comprehensive range of services extends to inspections and structural assessments of existing bridges, regardless of their condition or construction materials (steel, concrete, timber). We conduct thorough inspections and provide detailed reports outlining our recommendations based on the client’s specific requirements and expectations.

It is important to note that assessing existing bridges can entail higher risks, especially when conducting the necessary testing to meet stringent code requirements may not be practically feasible. In such cases, we engage in open discussions with the client, transparently presenting the limitations and challenges involved. We offer our professional opinion on the steps that need to be taken, including the possibility of constructing a new bridge if deemed necessary.

The content and depth of our reports vary depending on the level of assessment required and the client’s investment in obtaining a desired level of consideration. Our reports are tailored to provide a comprehensive analysis of the bridge’s structural integrity, identifying any deficiencies, and outlining the recommended course of action.

Throughout the assessment process, our focus remains on delivering accurate and reliable information to support informed decision-making. We prioritize the client’s needs, ensuring that our recommendations align with their expectations while adhering to industry standards and best practices.

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Our skilled team can walk you through all you should know before considering constructing a bridge.

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